A speaker at the Fourth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology


Steve Gillett got his undergraduate degree in geology at Caltech in 1975. After a brief period with the US Geological Survey, he received his Ph.D., also in geology, from SUNY Stony Brook in 1981. His Ph.D. thesis involved the paleomagnetism--the ancient magnetic record--in Paleozoic limestones from the Great Basin of the western US. This led in the early and mid 80s to a stint as a consulting geologist working out of the Pacific Northwest. This endeavor, alas, met with only modest success due to the collapse of oil prices in the mid 80s. While in the Northwest, Gillett also taught astronomy at a community college, and he's since returned to academia full-time. He's currently a research associate at the Mackay School of Mines, University of Nevada, Reno. Most recently he's become interested in the implications of nanotechnologies for the geological sciences, in particular for the resource business.

Gillett has also written many popular science articles. He now lives in Carson City, Nevada, with his wife Joyce (a veterinarian), their son Travis, and a cat and Australian shepherd. His hobbies include outdoor activities such as camping and hiking, model rocketry (with Travis!), and ragtime piano.
